Welcome Home to Forest Brook

Neighborhood News

  • FBHOA Board

    2023-24 Board Members

    President - Stephen Wilson
    VP - Gabriela Mazzacurati
    Secretary - Emily Tindel
    Treasurer - Kristel Imeraj
    Member-At-Large - Kirk Wimberly

  • Annual Meeting April 24th 7pm-8pm

    Join us for the zoom meeting on the 24th and bring any questions!

    Link to the meeting is in the Members section.

Forest Brook Homeowner Association

Our community website was developed to serve as an informative resource for our neighborhood. Please feel free to contact us with your comments and suggestions.

One of the state's best school districts.

Proud to be a supportive neighborhood of Mt Bethel Elementary, Dickerson Middle School, and Walton High Schools. We are central to many private schools, too!